Apotheke Drogerie Parfümerie Moll

Your local pharmacy

Are you looking for a pharmacy near you that focuses on beauty and well-being as well as health? You've come to the right place at Apotheke Drogerie Parfümerie Moll in Zugerland in Steinhausen.

You will find a modern and innovative pharmacy and drugstore. If you have any questions about your health, the expert team will be happy to be your first port of call. You can also immerse yourself in the fragrant and beautiful world of perfumes and beauty care. Comprehensive and individual advice always comes first - because in the end you should feel healthy and beautiful.

Contact information

Opening hours Apotheke Drogerie Parfümerie Moll

Mo – Th8.30 – 19.00
Fr8.30 – 21.00
Sa8.00 – 17.00

In good and bad times - you can get help here

Your health and well-being are important to the staff at Apotheke Drogerie Parfümerie Moll. That's why they guarantee you competent health advice, always tailored to your concerns and well-being. In addition to a large selection of medicines and natural remedies, the range also includes many popular cosmetic brands.

Always there for you - the perfumery, drugstore and pharmacy nearby

Take an active interest in your health and make use of the various services offered by Apotheke Parfümerie Drogerie Moll: whether it's blood pressure measurement, blood sugar determination, hair analysis, vaccinations or the travel service - your local pharmacy is sure to be able to help you. But the expert team at the Naturathek will also take care of your well-being directly on site. Try it out right away.

Online appointment at your local pharmacy

Don't have time to wait? Conveniently book an appointment online with the specialists at Apotheke Drogerie Parfümerie Moll. You can use datumplus to book a vaccination, a netCare consultation or one of the many other services on offer, for example. No matter how you want to proceed - whether online or in person on site - we look forward to your visit and will be happy to help you at your local pharmacy.

Your team at Apotheke Drogerie Parfümerie Moll


Here you can find Apotheke Drogerie Parfümerie Moll

Zugerland Steinhausen

We look forward to your visit

Shopping experiences from Zugerland. Stop by now and go on a voyage of discovery.

Opening hoursDirections & Parking